Advisory Council

About the Advisory Council on Aging

The Advisory Council on Aging (ACOA) supports the work of the N/S AAA by connecting with the community to understand and promote the issues facing older adults living in Napa and Solano counties. The twenty-member Advisory Council assists AAA staff in shaping the Area Plan, setting goals, and selecting service providers. The Advisory Council meets the first Tuesday of each month from 10:00 - 12:00. Meetings are open to the public and alternate between Napa and Solano counties. 

Applications are closed for Solano County residents
Applications are open for Napa County residents


Richard White, Chair, Solano
Riitta DeAnda, Vice Chair, Solano
Susan Ensey, Secretary, Napa

Lynne Baker, Napa
Linda Chandler, Solano
Olga Curtright, Solano
Donna Harris, Solano
Cheryl Johnson, Solano
Cathy Khan, Solano
Michelle Marin, Napa
Elizabeth Murphy, Solano
Anne Payne, Napa
Fran Rosenberg, Napa
Sandy Stevens, Solano
Cathy Wagner, Napa
Neil Watter, Napa
Alan Werblin, Solano
Fern Yaffa, Napa

Advisory Council Meetings

Meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month from 10-12 p.m.  Below is the 2024 meeting schedule.  Meetings are cancelled when there is no business before the Council.

January 2 -- Napa County
February 6 -- Solano County
March 5 -- Napa County
April 2 -- Solano County
May -- No Meeting
June 4 -- Solano County
July 2 -- Napa County
August 6 -- Solano County
September 3 -- Napa County
October 1 -- Solano County
November 5 -- Napa County
December 3 -- Solano County