Falls are a leading cause of avoidable hospitalizations.  Preventing falls is easy if you follow a few steps.

Know your fall risk – understand the supports you need.

  • Make small changes to your home environment – install grab bars, shower bench, night lights -- small changes can make a big difference. 
  • Check your vision – make sure your prescription is up to date.
  • Eat right – feed your body with the correct nutrients.
  • Exercise – even walking and standing can strengthen your core and steady your gait.

Persons 60 years and older are at a greater risk of falling and losing their independence.  The Napa/Solano Area Agency on Aging can help.  Service providers in Napa and Solano Counties can assist qualified seniors free of charge with an assessment and if needed, can install assistive devices.

Additionally, virtual and group classes are offered to all older adults.  Participating in these classes can strengthen muscles, increase stability, and reduce falls.  We are here to help.